ENPC Ecole des ponts
Technologie de l'énergie : conversion, stockage transport ( Master TET)
Année scolaire 2023-2024
Créneau Sem 5/Sem 1 MS
Sem 6
Enseignant responsable Thierry HOMMEL
Objectifs du module

This class will present technologies for energy conversion, energy transport and energy storage for various energy vectors (electricity, heat, fuels). It is based on online learning and site visits.


At the end of the class, students will be able to:


Explain the notion of energy vectors and conversion between vectors


For each technology:

  • explain the technology working principle and its efficiency range
  • describe the plant, network or device design (components, architecture, fluxes in/out, scale)
  • identify the necessary resources and siting constraints (eg a connection to a water network or other infrastructures)
  • estimate the size, scalability and lifetime of projects
  • give orders of magnitudes for technology costs in terms of CAPEX and OPEX
  • explain the global direction of evolution of each technology and identify reliable sources of information on technological evolutions in order to anticipate the potential impacts of these evolutions (with regards for example to the life cycles, business models, supply chains, etc, which are treated in other courses)
  • identify externalities

Explain how energy can be transported at various scales, describe constraints from and on the electrical grid and the evolutions thereof


Compare technologies or portfolios of technologies:

  • describe the differences between the various technologies in terms of orders of magnitude of energy production, efficiencies and costs
  • Understand the technical criteria that will be used to choose a production/transport/storage technology to fulfil an energy need at a specific site or region. Other courses will detail the contexts and methods to make these choices.
Programme du module

Definitions: primary energy, final energy, energy conversion, power/discharge diagrams, energy density, conversion between energy vectors, etc.


For each technology: the technology working principle, its efficiency range, the plant/network/device design (components, architecture, fluxes in/out, orders of magnitude), the necessary resources and siting constraints (eg a connection to a water network or other infrastructures), the size, construction time and lifetime of the plants/networks/devices, technology costs in terms of CAPEX and OPEX, the potential evolutions of the technology and in some cases, externalities and scalability potential


Electricity generation: thermal power plants; nuclear plants; hydroelectricity; wind farms; concentrating solar power plants; photovoltaics farms


Electricity transport and distributions: electrical grids, their evolutions in terms of sizing, physical capacity and management (smart, micro, mini grids)


Heat generation and management: co-generation, solar thermal, heat pumps, heat networks, geothermal power, waste heat


Fuels: biomass, oil, gas and alternative gases, including hydrogen (production, distribution, storage, fuel cells)


Energy storage: hydrostorage, electrochemical storage (batteries, supercapacitors), mechanical storage (compressed air, inertia), thermal storage (phase change, thermochemical), power2gas, buildings and vehicles as storage devices

Contrôle des connaissances - Règles de validation du module

online quizzes and reports

Effectif maximal Effectif illimité
Département de rattachement Master TET Transition Energétique et Territoire
Nombre de crédits ECTS 2 crédits ECTS
Dernière mise à jour  :  02/07/2019
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